The Economic Doctrines of Karl Marx by Karl Kautzky printed in Great Britain in 1925. Very scarce book with original dust jacket, can’t find any other copies online.
The Economic Doctrines of Karl Marx by Karl Kautzky (1925)
Vendor Information
- Store Name: Hale & Co. Rare Books
- Vendor: Hale & Co. Rare Books
Vanity of Duluoz by Jack Kerouac. First Edition 1968.
The last novel published during the lifetime of Jack Kerouac (1922-1969), Founding Father of the Beat Generation, in the year before his death. A fictionalized memoir as are almost all his works, this book, sub-titled “An Adventurous Education, 1935-46” (title page) recounts the early experiences of the author from childhood through young adulthood.