Signed By Parliament: A Debate on the September 11th Terrorist Attacks on America


A Debate Concerning the September 11th Terrorist Attacks on America
A one-of-a-kind publication of the House of Commons Official Report, signed by 12 members of Parliament and inscribed to Gideon Rachman.
Gideon Rachman, born in 1963, is a British journalist who has served as the chief foreign affairs commentator for the *Financial Times* since July 2006. In 2016, he received both the Orwell Prize for political journalism and the Commentator Award at the European Press Prize.
Members of Parliament who signed the front cover:
Cherie Blair, CBE KC
Dame Margaret Nary Beckett, DBE
Charles Leslie Falconer, PC, KC
Anthony Neil Wedgewood Benn
Gavin Steel Strang
Alan Milburn
Dame Angela Eagle DBE
Paul Yaw Boateng
Barbra Anne Castle
Tony Benn
Roy Watersley

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