Signed Back To Methuselah by Bernard Shaw First Edition


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London: Constable and Company, 1921.

1st Edition. Hardcover. Signed by Author. Shaw, George Bernard. BACK TO METHUSELAH. A Metabiological Pentateuch. Inscribed. London: Constable and Company, Ltd., 1921.

“You see things; you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say ‘Why not?”

First English Edition; preceded by the New York edition, which Shaw condemned for its numerous misprints. 8vo., 267 pp. Publisher’s gilt- stamped light mossy green cloth. A significant presentation copy inscribed in black fountain pen on the half-title: “To Robert Loraine / from G. Bernard Shaw. / 16th June 1921”. Loraine [1876-1935] was a man of action: actor-manager, soldier, aviator, Fabian & of course, a close friend to Shaw – perhaps best known as an actor he’s see most commonly on holiday with the Shaws & Harley Granville-Barker or at Fabian events. Loraine & Shaw shared political affiliations & a passion for theatre: it was Loraine who premiered as the lead in the Man & Superman on Broadway, the production was massively successful & launched Shaw as a force to be reckoned with in the States.

A very good or better example in a dust wrapper that has had one tear on the upper spine archivally repaired along with several small chips at the corners. A very nice copy. Custom TBCL embossed cloth slipcase in fine condition. Laurence, Bernard Shaw: A Bibliography, A161.

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  • Store Name: TBCL
  • Vendor: TBCL