SICLER, Adrian “La Chiromance Royale et Nouvelle” [Daniel Gayet, Lyon, 1666]


“La Chiromance royale et nouvelle enrichie de Figures & d’Exemples ; & de quantité d’Observations de la Cabale, avec les Prognostics des Chiromanciens, Anciens et Modernes” by Adrian Sicler [Daniel Gayet, Lyon, 1666]. French language. 32mo, 3.25″ x 5.75″. Full contemporary vellum with title inked on spine. [26]-227-1 bl. pages (complete). Illustrated edition with a rare, very intricate folding plate representing the lines of the hand. Slight discoloration to the vellum but otherwise a really clean copy. Hinges solid, no writing noted in textblock etc. Handful of spots but not heavily foxed. Very Good and rare to find with the plate intact.

Chiromancy, also known as palmistry, palm reading, or chirology, is a pseudoscientific practice of fortune-telling by analyzing the lines and features of a person’s palm. This particular text focuses on a method derived from Kabbalah and astrology.

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