Henri Capron Carrossier (Numbered out of 500) & Signed by Noel Van Wilgenberg


This book, of which is signed, and the first 500 copies are numbered. This one being 355…

Was absent from the collection of classic car lovers. However, with this limited edition printing by Noel Van Wilgenburg, the gap has now been filled!!

This work shows about 155 photographs and illustrations, including 19 full-color pictures of the “oeuvre” of Henri Chapron.

In the past, when cars were a luxury only the affluent could afford, the process of buying a vehicle was vastly different from today.

During that time, the now-famous car manufacturers primarily supplied the chassis and engines for the final product. Coachbuilders bore full responsibility, as well as any accolades, for the car’s exterior.

Henri Chapron started his career in the Paris suburbs in 1919, where he re-made Ford Ts left by the American troops after World War I!!

Rumors of a good coachbuilder spread quickly, and soon he had orders to work with Bentley, Delage, Delahaye, and Rolls-Royce. His designs and the quality of work were of such a high standard that it can be said that he started to shape the standards for the entire coachbuilding industry.

Prior to World War II, when there was practically no mass car production in Europe… Chapron quickly became a big player in Europe.

The text in this book is in Dutch. Fine condition and protected by Mylar. Autographed in Lakeland Florida 1986.

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