14 letters from Lawrence Durrell to Henry Miller, written primarily between 1975 and 1979


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Sommiere, 1975 – 1979]: Durrell, 1975. Includes 13 typed letters (TLS) and 1 handwritten letter (ALS).

These letters were mainly sent from Durrell’s home in Sommières, France, to Miller in Pacific Palisades, California. The letters contain personal and intimate content, covering a period of literary maturity for both authors. The collection also includes letters on Durrell’s personal letterhead, some handwritten transmittal envelopes, and other related materials. This is a significant literary collection, showcasing the correspondence between two major literary figures, Durrell and Miller, who were long-time confidants. The letters are signed by Durrell and contain updates on their lives, personal matters, and professional endeavors.

1st Edition. Signed by Author. Original Autographed Letters &. An important literary archive of 14 letters from Lawrence Durrell to Henry Miller written mainly during the mid to late 1970’s, a period of maturity for both authors who had more than established credentials as major international literary celebrities with stellar reputations as innovators & trend-setters.

These letters are mostly from Sommières on Durrell’s letterhead, sent to Miller in Pacific Palisades, CA. All with intimate, fascinating content. The mid 1930’s period in Paris was highly creative for Miller, & during this time he also established a significant and influential network of authors circulating around the Villa Seurat. One author who became a lifelong friend was the young British author Lawrence Durrell [1912-1990]. Durrell’s reading of Tropic Of Cancer unlocked the possibilities within his own innate writing skills. Durrell sought Miller out and became a member of the Villa Seurat circle.

Through the decades, in person and in letter, he and Miller remained confidants. Miller’s correspondence with Durrell was later published in two books. 13 TLS + 1 ALS – 1975 -1979. 1 on blue airmail paper signed, two unsigned letters on white bond, 2 page ALS from Brassai with Durrell’s typed added forward/intro, 1 typed card [2 sided] with 8 page Gary Finder Ms, 9 signed letters on Durrell Letterhead, 3 holograph transmittal envelopes. Some Snippets: 1 – ONE PAGE TLS from Lawrence Durrell to Henry Miller on printed Sommières Letterhead, (November, 1976). “Cher Maitre, a quick line to tell you that last evening crazy Marcelle came to visit and to tell the cards for Ghislaine.She reminded me that when you were here she did your cards and described in great detail both operations”. Durrell goes on to write that Marcelle said, “Mr. Miller has very successfully remounted the slope and is moving into good shape”, but “He feels lonely which is bad for him.Here you (Lawrence Durrell) can be of assistance”.

Durrell goes on to say that he and Ghislaine are planning a trip to the United States and staying not too far from Miller’s home in California, “I will take a cautious sounding to see if you are not too tired to let me say hello”. Durrell continues with a paragraph about his impending marriage to Ghislaine and the fact that he has finished his ‘devil’ novel and closes with, “For the rest I hope to be hearing your laughter by Boxing Day / Love “. Signed in holograph “Larry” in orange. In fine condition .

2 – ONE PAGE TLS from Lawrence Durrell to Henry Miller on printed Sommières Letterhead, (April, 1976). “Dear Henry, after the success of my Greek film I am being asked if I will adapt a few things for French Television, among the notions I had was to ask you if you would grant me a six month option on your Mishima and The Smile AT The Foot Of The Ladder to see whether I could sell a short treatment to them. naturally with such an “option ami” if any other more lucrative offer comes up our arrangement automatically falls to the ground but I need the option to get the thing officially listed by them. Send me a cable naming the titles or if there is any black just say NO OPTIONS. Every good thing and writing you soon Larry [in holograph] , PS They will pay well if it takes”.

3 – ONE PAGE TLS from Lawrence Durrell to Henry Miller on printed Sommières Letterhead, (May, 1976). A chatty letter regarding the state of movie production in France, the rise of television for smaller budget options with the chance of more ingenuity & the possibility of making more serious things: “Dear Henry, Just a quick line to give you a brief notion about what I had in mind when asking you for your option-ami(e). / To back this I have for some time been receiving approaches from French TV to offer them, if not original work, at least some treatments of existing work. . . ” also Ghislaine’s re-entry into the movie and television world and the prospects of short treatments of some of Miller’s, Anais Nin’s and Durrell’s works for television.

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