1st Edition Uncorrected Proof of ROOTS, personal copy of Alex Haley’s literary agent Paul R. Reynolds
Uncorrected Proof of Alex Haley’s Roots, featuring handwritten edits from his literary agent. A pivotal work in 20th-century black literature, it inspired the Pulitzer-winning TV miniseries that reshaped American cultural history.
1st Edition of A LOS TOROS AVEC PICASSO printed by Mourlot Frères
A Los Toros Avec Picasso (1961) – First edition featuring four original lithographs, including a 24-color piece, and exquisite bullfighting-themed illustrations. A pristine collector’s gem for Picasso enthusiasts.
Signed 1st Edition French Softcover of On the Role of the Intellectual in the Revolutionary Movement by Jean-Paul Sartre, Bernard Pingaud, and Dionys Mascolo
An important association copy, tied to Sartre’s lifelong affair with Boris Vian’s first wife, Michèle L’Église, which began in the late 1940s and lasted until his death in 1980.