Welcome aboard to Captain Harry’s Nautical Treasures, where the sea meets history in a collection unlike any other. Now anchored in Liverpool, UK, I spend my days surrounded by tales of the high seas and relics of naval history, sharing my passion with fellow enthusiasts and collectors worldwide.
Please feel free to message me if I can help you.
My books for sale:
The Collector by John Fowles First American Edition 1963
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The Common Reader Signed by Virginia Woolf
Add to cart$14,500.00 -
The Compleat Angler by Isaak Walton~ Signed by Arthur Rackham, 1931 Limited Ed.
Add to cart$850.00 -
The Crying Lot of 49 First Edition by Thomas Pynchon
Read more$480.00 -
The Decline of the West – Signed Limited Edition by Oswald Spengler, in German
Add to cart$65,000.00 -
The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac. First Edition 1958.
Add to cart$750.00 -
The Digressions of V by Elihu Vedder. Signed & Numbered Edition, 1910. Association Copy, Two Volume Set.
Add to cart$675.00 -
The Earliest Known American Flag Flown on D-Day
Add to cart$437,000.00 -
The Economic Doctrines of Karl Marx by Karl Kautzky (1925)
Add to cart$200.00